::trumpet fanfare:: Delta Brakes ::trumpet fanfare::

Building an Italian bike that’s from 1986-1993? If it doesn’t have Delta Brakes, it’s crap. Less so for the actual performance and more so for the beauty/ridiculousness. A true case of form over function. Likely the most expensive single component on the bike. Ride them for the compliments, swear at them for their operation. This is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

The best part – these brakes were won on eBay using a friend’s iPhone (thanks @the_danno) at Toronado from a seller in France. Most money i’ve ever dropped at a bar in one sitting… so far.

2 Responses to ::trumpet fanfare:: Delta Brakes ::trumpet fanfare::

  1. Danno says:

    Bling.Have fun installing those. Getting the cable tension correct is fuuuuun.

  2. Matt says:

    Oh man, I lusted after those so hard in high school! Unfortunately, my stipend as a dishwasher in a Mexican restaurant kept me from my one (two) true love(s). Also, I'm captivated by the star shaped truth window in yer bottom bracket!

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